#27 Boston - How to Spell Raspberry - December 8, 2006
To those contemporaries who have never been to one of the fancy coffee places like Starbucks or SFC, here is a little word of advice - the people in line behind you are serious coffee addicts and do not appreciate if you involve the barista behind the counter in a conversation on how to spell raspberry on the list of flavors that can be added to their caffeinated beverages. So just don't, will ya?
Granted I don't drink coffee, but it was bloody freezing out there (currently 9 degrees, or minus 3 with the wind-chill) and I had a little bitty budgie in the car, who probably did not appreciate my stopping in the first place. So much for my idea of getting a soy steamer with ginger bread flavor - I did the steaming myself and headed back to poor Ella whose windows started to freeze up.
It was a long haul up here to Franconia this time, 3 11/2 hours, bloody traffic everywhere, I ran out of windshield wiper fluid, and had cars riding my coat tails in the 45 mph zone. Generally known to be a bit of a sporty driver, my driving behavior changes in New Hampshire, where the cops are lined up along the freeway like pearls on a necklace and just wait for you to go just a wee bit over the speed limit.......
Well, Oscar and I got here, are comfortably situated in the living room listening to Christmas music and I think there might be some ice cream being served shortly. There is enough snow for downhill skiing and I think the slopes at Bretton Woods (http://www.brettonwoods.com/) might just be a tad unsafer tomorrow with yours truly stumbling down the piste. And as is the tradition, it needs to be followed by a nice cup of tea or hot cocoa at the most posh Mount Washington Hotel (http://www.mtwashington.com/hotelinformation/index.cfm).
I am ready for the season, on the way up here I stopped at Eastern Mountain Sports for some outdoor retailing, getting decent skiing gloves and Stabilicers - http://www.32north.com/prod_stab.htm - we those babies I can walk on ice, snow and who knows what else (no, not water...... duh!). They weigh a ton, and maybe I won't be able to get my feet off the ground, but hey, at least I won't slip, that's a start. This is my favorite time of the year as you know, and if you live in New England you must know the four seasons - Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Construction. This year we unfortunately moved from 69 degree surfer weather to sub-zero in the course of two days. You gotta love it!!!

I can't believe this week is already over, it went by in a jiffy - work was just relentless, but with some good results; there was tons of Christmas shopping, shipping gifts off to Europe and starting down the slope toward Christmas-induced poverty and debt.... (just kidding, it is not that bad). Tuesday night was the Christmas Party for Boston Cares and Wednesday night the hospital running group took a jaunt along Commonwealth Avenue to see the Christmas lights (see attached picture), Thursday more Christmas shopping with my enabling friend Stephanie, and now we are here in winter wonderland! Wow!
I hope you stay warm, my friends, wherever you are and enjoy the Christmas season. Instead of adding yet another list of jokes about winter in New England (like the one about the fact that driving in winter is better, because all the potholes have filled with snow....... hahaha, if it wasn't so sad, because it is true....), I am sending a poem by former Franconia resident Robert Frost:
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
See you soon!
Granted I don't drink coffee, but it was bloody freezing out there (currently 9 degrees, or minus 3 with the wind-chill) and I had a little bitty budgie in the car, who probably did not appreciate my stopping in the first place. So much for my idea of getting a soy steamer with ginger bread flavor - I did the steaming myself and headed back to poor Ella whose windows started to freeze up.
It was a long haul up here to Franconia this time, 3 11/2 hours, bloody traffic everywhere, I ran out of windshield wiper fluid, and had cars riding my coat tails in the 45 mph zone. Generally known to be a bit of a sporty driver, my driving behavior changes in New Hampshire, where the cops are lined up along the freeway like pearls on a necklace and just wait for you to go just a wee bit over the speed limit.......
Well, Oscar and I got here, are comfortably situated in the living room listening to Christmas music and I think there might be some ice cream being served shortly. There is enough snow for downhill skiing and I think the slopes at Bretton Woods (http://www.brettonwoods.com/) might just be a tad unsafer tomorrow with yours truly stumbling down the piste. And as is the tradition, it needs to be followed by a nice cup of tea or hot cocoa at the most posh Mount Washington Hotel (http://www.mtwashington.com/hotelinformation/index.cfm).
I am ready for the season, on the way up here I stopped at Eastern Mountain Sports for some outdoor retailing, getting decent skiing gloves and Stabilicers - http://www.32north.com/prod_stab.htm - we those babies I can walk on ice, snow and who knows what else (no, not water...... duh!). They weigh a ton, and maybe I won't be able to get my feet off the ground, but hey, at least I won't slip, that's a start. This is my favorite time of the year as you know, and if you live in New England you must know the four seasons - Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Construction. This year we unfortunately moved from 69 degree surfer weather to sub-zero in the course of two days. You gotta love it!!!

I can't believe this week is already over, it went by in a jiffy - work was just relentless, but with some good results; there was tons of Christmas shopping, shipping gifts off to Europe and starting down the slope toward Christmas-induced poverty and debt.... (just kidding, it is not that bad). Tuesday night was the Christmas Party for Boston Cares and Wednesday night the hospital running group took a jaunt along Commonwealth Avenue to see the Christmas lights (see attached picture), Thursday more Christmas shopping with my enabling friend Stephanie, and now we are here in winter wonderland! Wow!
I hope you stay warm, my friends, wherever you are and enjoy the Christmas season. Instead of adding yet another list of jokes about winter in New England (like the one about the fact that driving in winter is better, because all the potholes have filled with snow....... hahaha, if it wasn't so sad, because it is true....), I am sending a poem by former Franconia resident Robert Frost:
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
See you soon!
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